Two years later, Davis fell in love with her Dangerous costar, Franchot Tone, on set, but he announced his engagement to Crawford during filming.  The role earned Davis an Oscars nomination for Best Actress, but she wore a plain dress to the awards show because she didn’t expect to win. However, after she accepted the award, Crawford ignored her until Tone called her out on it. Then, she reportedly said, “Dear Bette! What a lovely frock.”  However, things escalated quickly. Crawford didn’t trust Davis not to injure her, so she required a body double. While filming a close-up, she wasn’t able to have the body double, and Davis reportedly hit her so hard in the head that she had to get stitches. Crawford also got physical, purposefully weighing herself down with rocks and a weightlifter’s belt for a scene where Davis had to drag her because she knew her rival had back issues. Their feud inspired the FX miniseries Feud: Bette and Joan. However, Escape from Tomorrow is mentioned in D23’s official “Disney A-Z” catalogue, which describes it as “an independent surrealistic cult film surreptitiously filmed at Walt Disney World and Disneyland.” In her autobiography, Hedren wrote that the cast included “132 big cats, one elephant, three aoudad sheep, and a collection of ostriches, flamingos, marabou, storks, and black swans.” John Marshall told the NY Post, “Dad was a f–king a–hole to do that to his family.” In 1983, she launched the Roar Foundation to provide for the care of the Shambala animals. She told the Los Angeles Times, “People sometimes say to me that if it weren’t for the lions, Noel and I would still be together…I can’t say, but the accidents, the floods — these things didn’t happen every day. During the actual filming, there were 140 people around the lions and tigers every day. It’s amazing we didn’t have more accidents. We learned so much from that time. That’s what keeps us safe now.” They completed seven movies before successfully escaping to Vienna. The key to their freedom was a secret recording Choi made during their initial meeting with Kim, which was leaked and broadcast in South Korea. Production was rushed due to a strict deadline that came with financial penalties, and the multiple script rewrites pulled inspiration from Mad Max and Die Hard. Morton told Game Informer, “I wanted the film to be more sophisticated…I wanted to make a film that would open it up and get parents interested in video games.” However, in 2013, it returned to theaters for a special 20th-anniversary release. Former federal judge Katherine Forrest, who conducted the probe, told the Hollywood Reporter that she found there were “no credible support for claims of racial animus.” However, Fisher told THR that under Whedon, he felt it was his responsibility to “explain some of the most basic points of what would be offensive to the Black community.” He also alleged that when he tried to discuss his concerns with Whedon, the director told him, “It feels like I’m taking notes right now, and I don’t like taking notes from anybody — not even Robert Downey Jr.” Other sources told THR that the director butted heads with all of the lead actors, especially Gal Gadot, who played Wonder Woman. They alleged that “Joss was bragging that he’s had it out with Gal. He told her he’s the writer and she’s going to shut up and say the lines and he can make her look incredibly stupid in this movie.” Oswalt said, “We went out that night to some strip club, and we were all drinking. And there were a bunch of bikers there, so [director] David  [S. Goyer] says to them, ‘I’ll pay for all your drinks if you show up to set tomorrow and pretend to be my security.’ Wesley freaked out and went back to his trailer. And the next day, Wesley sat down with David and was like, ‘I think you need to quit. You’re detrimental to this movie.’ And David was like, ‘Why don’t you quit? We’ve got all your close-ups, and we could shoot the rest with your stand-in.’ And that freaked Wesley out so much that, for the rest of the production, he would only communicate with the director through Post-it notes. And he would sign each Post-it note ‘From Blade.’” In 2020, Snipes denied attempting to strangle Goyer, telling the Guardian, “Let me tell you one thing. If I had tried to strangle David Goyer, you probably wouldn’t be talking to me now. A Black guy with muscles strangling the director of a movie is going to jail, I guarantee you.”  He also denied the Post-it note story and mocked the idea of Oswalt being an “authority” on him. He said, “The presumption that one white guy can make a statement and that statement stands as true! Why would people believe his version is true? Because they are predisposed to believing the Black guy is always the problem. And all it takes is one person, Mr. Oswalt, who I really don’t know.” He also said that he hasn’t spoken to Snipes since the shoot. Aniston said, “It’s sad, something coming to an end. It cracks you open, in a way — cracks you open to feeling. When you try to avoid the pain, it creates greater pain. I’m a human being, having a human experience in front of the world. I wish it weren’t in front of the world. I try really hard to rise above it.” With friends like Courteney Cox by her side, she ignored the negative press. She chose to believe Brad’s claim that he didn’t cheat on her and that the timing of the W magazine photoshoot wasn’t meant to be cruel. Jolie and Pitt went on to raise six children together. They got married in 2014, but she filed for divorce in 2016 following allegations of domestic violence. In a statement to People, Stewart said, “I’m deeply sorry for the hurt and embarrassment I’ve caused to those close to me and everyone this has affected. This momentary indiscretion has jeopardized the most important thing in my life, the person I love and respect the most, Rob. I love him, I love him, I’m so sorry.” Ross filed for divorce from Sanders in 2013, which was finalized in 2014. According to Filmmaker Magazine, he told his mentee Alan Greenberg, “This will be done for reasons of stylization and not for reasons of total manipulation…this use of hypnosis could give us access to our inner state of mind, starting from a new perspective.” Greenberg told Filmmaker Magazine, “In two minutes, all four farmers were deeply hypnotized. Recognizing this, Herzog gave them their acting directions. He told them that they stood on heavenly ground, but when they opened their eyes they would see a land troubled by terrible giants. They would be so frightened, he went on, that their lips would twitter and their limbs would shake. But he assured them that no matter how fearsome things might seem, they would be quite safe and well protected and could speak their lines with no trouble whatsoever.”

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