Note: Some of the following mention disordered eating and gun violence. —axj66 —ej_orenji —netadosigismundo “Rachel getting into NYADA and Kurt getting rejected was infuriating. Character development happens when the character has to overcome an obstacle to achieve a goal, but the writers just did it for her.” —andip4 —peynor —xavin —aries97 —abbydixon “Schue suspending a recovering Marley from Glee Club for refusing to dress in a bikini that she felt uncomfortable in was really out of line and a weird plot point. If Glee Club was all about expressing who you were, why was she punished?” —ej_orenji —sirius_blacks_girl —KateTheGreat77 —wheresmymind —ahowell725 —lalalace1640 —andip4 —novacaineblues —verityn30 —pinkie_pie —jbmasta The National Eating Disorders Association helpline is 1-800-931-2237; for 24/7 crisis support, text “NEDA” to 741741.