“I had a co-worker that always showed me short cuts and easier ways to do my job and his motto was ‘cheaters always win,’ LOL.” —jeffru12345 “Or that it ‘catches up to them in the end’ or some other feel-good nonsense.” —greybeard_arr

“We have to believe it, otherwise we have to face the deeply horrifying reality that a large amount of good things and bad things happen just because they do. That we have bugger all influence. Our brains want it to be fair so we try super hard to believe this sort of thing."—Xtratea

“The myth started because the British needed an excuse for why they kept shooting down German planes during World War II. They didn’t want the Germans to know that they had radar, so they said their troops all had great night vision from eating carrots.” —jackduloz Over time people forgot about the movie, but Bugs has always kept the carrot and everyone started assuming rabbits love carrots.” —sharrrper

“Yeah, it is the entire point of lightning rods.” —elting44 “I’ve had several people insist this is true because they experienced it. I think the detail many don’t account for is that hair gets softer and finer on the ends over time. If you’re consistently shaving an area, it never has time to get to that point. So no, your new leg hair isn’t going feel the same as the years-old baby hair you shaved off.” —mozzarella_lady

“‘Pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps’ was intended as an absurd and impossible act not a goal."—randomanon1109


“In reality they either don’t notice or they think they couldn’t do as well without you in that job and try to keep you there.” —Eternal_Bagel


“That humans only use 10% of their brain. Sorry to tell you, we don’t have some massive untapped potential in our brains that will turn us into super-humans, or some shit.” —ringo24601

“I went to the doctor because I was having joint pain. Doctor poked around a bit and told me not to crack my knuckles. Cracking knuckles does not seem to affect my joint pain that I still experience.” —Pokabrows

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