—Anonymous My little non-believer ass thought I’d caught her when she mentioned that my grandmother was pregnant when she died. After hours of being spooked, I was like, ‘Aha! Gotcha. No she wasn’t!’ Internally, of course, because I didn’t want to be rude to the spooky lady. Well, I called my mom later that day and told her about it. To my surprise, she confirmed that, yes, my grandmother had been about eight weeks pregnant when she died." —bellated —adventuresofjackandfinn —Anonymous I bolted to the side door of the house, afraid that I was going to drop the keys and be murdered immediately. Somehow, I got the key in the door on the first try and stepped inside. Like a light switch being flipped, the feeling was totally gone. I was seriously freaked out. I closed the door behind me, already working on convincing myself that there was nothing there, and it was just my imagination. I went and found the cats, who had not come to the door immediately like they usually did during the day. Still, I got their food and played with them for a good 20 minutes before I gathered the courage to go back. I stepped outside, and instantly the feeling was back. I pulled the door closed behind me and sprinted to the side gate. Immediately, the feeling was gone again. I grabbed a stick to pull the gate closed so that I wouldn’t even need to reach past the threshold of the side wall, then ran back along the front of the house to our front door, and nearly dived in. Apparently, my mom had been standing there the whole time, getting ready to come and get me. She took one look at me and said, ‘So you felt it too,’ then hugged me and said she would make my dad do it tomorrow. The next day, my dad went over, and came back moments later, looking like nothing had happened. The day after, my mom sent my brother over. Also no reaction. The day after my mom and I went together. Nothing. No one else reported anything like that, and I have never felt anything like that since then." —Anonymous —Anonymous —Anonymous —Anonymous —Anonymous —Anonymous In that moment, it was like I was transported back to reality. I could hear my family again. My grandma came out of the bathroom and told me that she heard the door shut and it wasn’t like that when she came upstairs. Now, I wish encountering this ghost was the scary part. But, that’s not all.What haunts me 15 years later is that the ghostly woman I saw, looked just like me. As I get older, I resemble her more and more. I can still see her in my mind, like it happened just yesterday." —Anonymous

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