—bingowashisnameo —delorienaz Four years later, I realized that although he had issues that he refused to handle, I was also a level of toxicity, not only to the relationship, but to life in general. I was constantly angry, refused to communicate in a healthy way, lazy in life, incredibly self-serving, and had refused to deal with any of my mental health issues or trauma. I woke up one day, looked in the mirror, and realized I hated the person I had become. So I started taking care of myself. I started seeing a psychiatrist who diagnosed me with ADHD, and gave me the knowledge and the tools to help me adjust to life better. I took time to break down every aspect of my life to deal with not only years of trauma and emotional repression, but also to inspect the elements of my present life to change the things that needed changing. I quit my toxic job and found a job that treated me way better, I mended strained relationships with my family and started to take care of myself. I took the time not only to be kind to others but to myself. In the end, I realized the last thing I needed to fix in my life was the toxic, unhealthy relationship I found myself in. I realized that I had outgrown the anger and the bitterness, and he refused to do the same, so I broke up with him and moved out. It was a hard, long road, but I’m a much better person for it." —ej_orenji —acudoc —countess_raven —booksandcheese —morgan_le_slay —thetimble —rachrupp —duskydudette —thekatzmeow —avbabsy —katrinagirl —w1w1 —nataliesi —andyetyouclicked —katiep4f0aaa33f