I could see discussing doing DIFFERENT work but the idea that he should just chill and live off your inheritance? Bad look dude. I have a suspicion the money will last a lot longer than the boyfriend." My parents died and I will be getting an inheritance, too. My boyfriend has made it clear that the money is my money. He wants nothing to do with it and even feels uncomfortable if I use it for a down payment on a house if we get married and move in a few years. He feels that any personal money I use for that should be paid back by him in installments. I would be wary staying with someone who acts so entitled without even a serious commitment — a long-term partnership, kids, marriage, or whatever." –u/KarmaaRose There’s a huge income gap now, and lifestyles are going to reflect that. Of course the boyfriend is jealous! And anyone on here who says they wouldn’t be is lying. Does that make the boyfriend entitled to her money? Of course not. Does this mean OP and her boyfriend — if they want a future together — need to sit down and have a very frank discussion about finances and lifestyle expectations? Hell fucking yes. Just because they aren’t married doesn’t mean that they aren’t in a relationship. They fucking live together. It’s at least a bit serious. And they need to communicate like adults," u/tadpole511 said. 

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